Beat Bob

Whether you are battling depression or bullying, alcohol or drugs, Bob can help you

"Beat the Odds."

Playing alone on the court allows Bob to emphasize (as a word picture), to not follow the crowd’s destructive path, but to stand alone against bullying, drugs, alcohol, and suicide. Speaking across the nation about these epidemics, offers Bob the opportunity to impact and save individuals from a horrible fate or shortened life, sharing a message of hope and overcoming the odds. Bob is the only one-man team in the world. The uniqueness of his exhibition shifts the attention from the game to the precious lives being rescued.

As of April, 2018, Bob has been in over 6000 gymnasiums and has performed in front of and spoken to over 6,000,000 teenagers and adults. Bob travels around the country helping the teens and adults see that they can "Beat the Odds." When the One-Man Volleyball Team passes off the scene, he wants the epitaph to read: It wasn't the volleyball, but the message that kept me going, and that message is billions of times more important than my game.

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